MPLS 2011

Speaker Questions & Answers

Below are some questions we have been asked in the past. If you have anymore questions, please contact us at mpls2013-info[at], and we will get back to you quickly, as well as post them up here to help others as well.

  • What time should the speakers arrive?
    • A: We encourage speakers to arrive and participate in the whole program. This is a unique opportunity for vendor-SP interaction. The program starts with tutorials on Sunday November 17.
  • Where should they pick up their badges?
    • A: The badges will be ready at the Conference Registration desk on the fist day of the conference (November 17, 2013).
  • What room will the presentations be held in?
    • A: The presentations will be in the Palladian Ballroom.
  • What audio/visual equipment will be available for the sessions?
    • A: There will be LCD projectors. All the presentations will be preloaded before the start of the conference.
  • Is there a speaker rehearsal room?
    • A: If they need to have access to a rehearsal room, they should contact the conference registration desk during the event.


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